The Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) appears to me to be a problem-based learning style, otherwise called “Inquiry Based.” I believe that CMP is inquiry based due to the nature at which material is presented. For Inquiry based, as mirrored in CMP, there is a problem presented, hypothesizes are created, and solutions/conclusions are determined by gathering and displaying data in a safe environment. This challenges the typical, more traditional methods, because it has students actively learning and being a part of the process, rather than simply receiving direct instruction from which they are told to repeat and memorize. This is a very unique, yet important way to consider teaching. I believe that this inquiry based learning would especially be beneficial within a mathematics environment simply because it can be a difficult subject to figure out and students should have the ability to go through this discovery and learning process with other classmates within the classroom. By having to try to figure out how to solve problems together, rather than simply being told to memorize, the students would be more likely to remember and use the knowledge they are obtaining.
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